Well water is a great source of drinking water for many households in rural and remote areas. It is also known for its purity and rich mineral content. However, well water can suffer from contamination, leading to various health problems. But the good news is the presence of bacteria in your H2O is preventable and treatable. Here’s everything you need to know about the different sources of bacteria in well water.
Source 1: Human and Animal Waste
The most common source of bacteria in well water is human and animal waste. This can include leaky sewer pipes, septic systems, and livestock waste. The bacteria found are called coliform bacteria, and their presence in large amounts can indicate a high risk of contamination from fecal matter. This contamination can lead to severe gastrointestinal infections, which can be particularly dangerous for children and older adults. Regular maintenance of septic systems and proper disposal of livestock waste can help prevent this.
Source 2: Agricultural Runoff
Agricultural runoff is another source of bacterial contamination. During irrigation, pesticides and fertilizers used in agricultural fields can end up in surface water sources, such as streams, rivers, and ponds. This runoff can seep into wells, where it can contaminate well water. Bacterial contamination from agricultural runoff can lead to serious diseases such as E.coli, which can cause diarrhea and vomiting.
Source 3: Contaminated Groundwater
Contaminated groundwater can also lead to bacterial contamination in well water. Groundwater infection can happen from various sources, such as landfill leachate, chemicals, and old landfills. Bacteria found in contaminated groundwater can cause severe conditions and illnesses, such as Legionnaire’s disease. Regular well water testing can help detect any potential contamination and help avoid these ailments.
Source 4: Soil Contamination
Soil contamination is the last source of bacterial contamination. It mainly happens through surface water sources, such as heavy rain or flooding. Soil contamination can also occur from previous land use, such as an old industrial plant that may have contaminated the soil with heavy metals or solvents. Bacterial contamination from dirt can lead to serious infections such as leptospirosis, which can cause liver and kidney damage.
And the best way to protect your home and family is with well water treatment and filtration.
Schedule a Free In-Home Water Test in Mount Airy, MD
If you notice a strange taste in your water or contaminants, Easterday-Wilson Water Services can help. We treat countless water quality problems and eliminate common water contaminants on a daily basis. Call us at 301-831-5170 for additional information and schedule your free water evaluation today.