Many people are ready for a fresh start when a new year rings in. Whether you plan to be healthier or read more, make sure you don’t forget about your house. Homeowners, there are many resolutions you can add to your to-do list when it comes to ensuring your humble abode is functional, comfortable, and beautiful. So, here are a few suggestions from our team on how you can take extra care of your house this new year: 

Paint Your Rooms Something New

Painting your walls a new color can be a great way to freshen up a room without breaking the bank. If you’ve felt like your living room is a bit drab lately, try giving it a new paint job with something a bit brighter. Whether it’s an accent wall or all four walls, painting can be an easy and affordable way to spruce up your space. 


Clutter can pile up over time, and it can be hard to keep things organized and tidy. Make it a goal this year to get rid of anything you don’t use or need anymore. You can donate items that still have life in them or host a yard sale if you want to make some money back on objects you no longer use. 

Invest in a Water Filtration System

Not only is clean water important for drinking, but it also plays an important role in cleaning clothes and dishes, bathing and showering. Investing in a good water filtration system will ensure that your home has clean water for all its needs for years to come. This asset will pay off in the long run by saving you money on bills and other costs associated with poor water quality. 

Keep up With Your Well Maintenance

If you have a well on your property, maintaining it should be one of your top priorities for 2023. Regular maintenance is key to keeping your well running smoothly, so prioritize this task this year! This includes getting regular inspections from professionals who specialize in well maintenance, as well as making sure any necessary repairs are taken care of promptly to avoid any further damage or problems down the road.  

Contact Us For The Best in Groundwater Well Maintenance

If you’re looking for someone you can trust to repair, maintain, or test your well to ensure it’s safe and working as it should be, Easterday-Wilson Water Services can help. Our professional service crews have the knowledge and ability to fix all of your water issues. 

Call us at 301-831-5170 for additional information and schedule your free water evaluation today.

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